Saturday, October 4, 2008

Another Chapter

I should really stop being fickle and just stay loyal to one blog. This is the third one, borne again out of a desperate boredom with the one before it.

Also, it marks a new chapter in a new shiny life. Blogs, as online journals, chart the life of people and while some of them aren't particularly very interesting, their blogs do reveal changes, growth and the minutae of their lives that make voyeurism so appealing. My blogs seem to shapeshift as frequently as my fickle mind dictates. This itself is a sort of growth, I think. Or perhaps, more accurately, a sort of "growing up."

First there was the decadent blog, the one that was very excited about finishing university, joining the world, getting a job and being interested in all sorts of things that now, on hindsight, weren't really that much of a big deal.

Then there was the candid blog, the one that revealed the emotional, fickle side. This meant that the space eventually just turned into a continuous giant moan and a literary punching bag for when someone had wronged me. It started to feel like a bit of a schizophrenic space, and anyhow, there were only about 26 people reading it at any one time, so that necessarily calls for evolution, transformation and something a little more interesting than talking about the People I Dislike. Anyway, it's also not very nice to go around lambasting people in public spheres all the time.

As I move into a more spiritual phase of life, I thought that charting this would perhaps prove more interesting and useful than merely talking about vodka parties (which start to all be the same after awhile) and my latest purchases (because really, who cares about the new handbag you just bought).

There is an enormous amount of drama in what you would expect to be the most unruffled corners of the world. Spirituality is not a zen pebble. It is a horrendous, torrential, continuous downpour and you're always in the eye of the storm. You could think of it as a disaster, or as an exhilarating ride, a sort of constant "Wheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!" like you're in theme park.

Yes, I'd like to think I'm in a theme park and the big prize is Enlightenment, which you'll get from the nice man in the top hat if you can only get through all the crazy rides and games without giving up. Let the games begin.