Friday, May 1, 2009

The Business

Don't laugh, but I'm now learning the Business Side of Things.

This involves things like balance sheets and complex diagrams outlining our marketing strategies, learning the tactics of effective promotion, and being thrown in the deep end of all those people out there: the marketplace.

It's horribly frightening.

But well, books don't sell themselves. It's no good producing beautiful books unless people know about them, buy them and read them. So we're pulling up our business socks and getting out there in the world.

It would be amusing really, if I was a fly on the wall, looking at ourselves with our heads in our hands, muttering and sighing and cringing at our desperate lack of business sense.

This is what it's about, I suppose? Dharma isn't just about doing what you like to do. It certainly isn't all about sitting with our hands on our laps, in an idyllic state of meditation, having psychic tea with the Buddhas.

It's about this constant state of panic that makes you grow (well, I hope I do grow through this exercise), feeling the hard smack of trying something new and falling flat *smack* on your face. You'll never know if you don't try, whisper the guardian angels, before they collapse about us laughing.

Okay, no, not really. I don't suppose Guardian angels really engage in that sort of mockery.

So the whole KMP is working hard to learn in a matter of days what people study through a whole university course. Impossible is nothing, say Adidas and I am inclined to believe them. Positive affirmation is the only way forward as we navigate the tricky paths of business.

Honestly, if only I could find myself a Donald Trump. In my post-it notes to Buddha tonight: Dear Buddha, Please send me a rich husband. It would help an awful, awful lot!

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