Monday, July 27, 2009


I have a big, enormous deadline to finish writing my book by 31st July. That's five days away so, quite rightly, I'm panicking like you can't believe.

Panic is subjective though. Some people respond very well to the panic and work very hard.

Others, like me, get paralyse by it and do even less than they're supposed to. So instead of writing, I doodle on Facebook, I do my laundry, I stare at my fish, I look up idiotic things online, I daydream about boys, do more laundry, dry the laundry, fold away the laundry etc. Writing this useless blog post is also a nice form of procrastination.

I like the book actually and when I do start writing it, I do really enjoy it. I just don't have the mettle to keep the momentum.

Okay, I think it's very important that I now go upstairs and have a shower. I'll come back to the writing after that. Really. I promise.

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