Monday, July 27, 2009


After a fun night out at Red Box last night, I decided I want to have a karaoke party for my birthday.

Then I started thinking about who I'd invite and it got so complicatd I think I may just give up on the whole idea.

See, there's the 20 liaisons, and the 12 KMP people. If you don't invite everyone, it not very nice. Then when you do invite them, everyone feels obliged to come even though some of them don't like karaoke and would much rather stay home.

Then there's ALL the other people out there that I want to invite, which brings the total up to about 60. And it's a bit ridiculous to have a karaoke party with 60 people because not everyone wants to sing and everyone ends up spending the whole night listening to only about two people singing bad songs.

Not such a good idea then, this karaoke thing.

I think I'll just get a giant cake and eat it all by myself.

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