Saturday, April 18, 2009

London: A Chelsea Dinner Party

Joan - our very splendid KMP adviser and extremely generous and super super kind host for our trip - very kindly organised and hosted a super dinner party for all the KL-Kechara group, the London-Kechara folk and a very, extra special guest, Jimmy Choo!

Poor Joan and Bill spent all afternoon slaving away in the kitchen to cook up a gigantic feast. Joan shared that they wished to dedicate all the effort in the kitchen towards the success of KSK - that the soup kitchen back home will feed many, many hundreds more people in the future! See, even a dinner party can be done out of a pure and lovely wish to really benefit others. Everything begins with a thought, after all.

Preparing all the deliciousssshhhh food hand-prepared by Joan

Meeting the ever-respected and God of Shoe Jimmy Choo was especially exciting for every woman (and fashionable man) in the room! And he's as lovely as the boootiful shoes he creates! Liaisons had the opportunity to talk to him a bit about Kechara and what we're doing in London. Having come from a Taoist/Buddhist background, Jimmy was interested to hear of our Dharma work.

KMP Liaison Susan Lim shares Gurus for Hire, Enlightenment for Sale with Dato Jimmy Choo

Of course, no party is ever complete with our lovely Apprentice Liaison Bill Keith!

Ladrang Liaisons JP and May arrived today, as fresh and bright-eyed as you can be after a 14hour flight! Lily and Keng Nam of the London Group were here with their London ducklings Jean Ai and Kelly and his girlfriend, Souad. They've all be super helpful to us throughout this trip and many things would not have been possible without them!...

Hence the occasion to toast their contribution and thank everyone involved!

Chillin' with the London Group

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