Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Writing and such stuf

I wonder sometimes if I'd actually get anywhere if I applied myself and bothered to update my blog properly and regularly. Each time I get back on it, I say to myself (and my readers), "This is it! This time shall be different and I shall be diligent about it!"

Which is rubbish of course because I fizz out after a week.

So I shan't make any promises now. I'll just write when I'm bothered, or when there's enough time in between Everything Else.

I am writing things for BuddhistChannel now and it's going very, very slowly. I wonder if maybe getting new laptop would help with the inspiration. It is good sometimes, I think, to be a bit superficial if it motivates you to get proper things done. I think a beautiful new macbook would help me write lots of lovely things.

And inspire the world.

And become Enlightened.

And bring peace to all beings.

I need a macbook. Yes I do.

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