Saturday, April 18, 2009

London: Setting up the KMP Booth

Finally, we're here!!!!! The LONDON BOOK FAIR 2009 at Earl's Court!

The whole team popped by the venue on Saturday afternoon to set up our booth. After many, many months of preparing, blood, sweat, tears and almost-but-not-quite wanting to cry, we are here! It's certainly a far way we've come from the tiny local book fairs we used to do back at home.....

KMP Liaisons Susan and Sharon, and KMP Adviser Joan sure are relieved and glad that we're FINALLY HERE! Woot!

While we're here, I'd like to note that Joan and her husband Terry Mahony very, very kindly sponsored our booth and expenses for the fair and launch in London. They are also hosting the team at their home for the whole duration of the fair and Joan has been exceedingly generous. We are here with the big boys, in the heart of one of the world's greatest publishing capitals thanks to the incredible generosity and kindness of the Mahonys. Thank you Joan and Terry for this wonderful contribution to bringing Dharma to the world!

Setting up the booth. Yes, it's not that big... but that's all the more reason for making sure it looks fab!

Bills kicks all of us disaster-stylists out and does his magic...

... and how cosy and magical it looks! This isn't the finished job. We'll be back tomorrow to put up posters and images to beauty it up!

For now, our book display looks super. Aren't we unique and cute!

The team with our booth (we're all bigger than the booth but we're mighty, mighty proud to even be here). Watch us grow - one day, we'll take up half the hall!

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