Sunday, April 19, 2009

London vs Kathmandu?

There's this funny thing, see, because I think I've decided that I'd actually rather be live in Kathmandu than I would in London.

It's funny because

there is no such thing as central heating in Kathmandu
there's only about 8 hours of electricity a day
it is ridiculously dusty and there are mountains of rubbish on the streets
you can't find anything you need there
there's this big obvious communication problem
I have two friends in Nepal

On the other hand,

there is always central heating in London
there's 24 hours of electricity
there are proper bins and rubbish clearing systems
you can find EVERYTHING you need here, plus more
everybody speaks English (and so do I), yay
I have a million friends in London

But places like London - for all its shinyness and fun - take you away from yourself. All the beautiful things, the splendid bars and their delicious drinks, the gorgeous, immaculate people never make you happy because once you have some of all that, you want more, and then more, and then more, and then more... and when you can't get it, you just make yourself bloody miserable.

In places like Kathmandu, there is nothing. The most exciting thing you could do for yourself for the week is to buy yourself a tub of Pond's face cream. But when there is nothing and you're back to the basics, you suddenly feel happy about everything.

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